Saturday, September 1, 2007


  • -Fear is an unpleasant feeling of perceived risk or danger, real or not.
  • -Fear also can be described as a feeling of extreme dislike to some conditions/objects, such as:
    • fear of darkness
    • fear of ghosts
Fear is a basic emotion that everyone goes through. Fear creates people to hold back due to the them being afraid they can't take it what is coming their way. For example, if a person has a phobia against heights... he or she might be enthusiastic to go play roller coasters and other height related rides. However, once the person takes a step further and try to play it. Fear holds them back from achieving that.

Fear is an emotion that holds us from doing the best that we can. If we are willing to stretch an arm into a beehive or even take a plunge and ask a girl out. We have took a leap of confidence in overcoming our fear. Overpowering our fear is what courage and strength is build on. At times we are accustomed to our comfort living that we fear that if we leave it, the world might consume us. However, life is a journey and an adventure.

For Christians, God planned obstacles in our lives to help us learn and grow from them. The obstacles will enable us to draw closer to Him for strength and refuge. In times of fear, we need to draw strength from somewhere. We alone gotta learn to take a plunge from our own fears. No one else can take that step for us as it is our fear not others.

However there are people who believe they are 'immortals' or fearless where they live life as though life has no boundaries. However, misusing of the freedom of such fear attitude is dangerous as they would live life as though it is a thrill and would be self centred without considering about the people surrounding them.

My childhood fear:

Additional stuff:

1) Charlie Webster
- sports anchor for Engine Block on Star Sports

2) Stephanie Chai
- local celebrity.
-A look of grace and elegance.

Have a great week!!!!

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