Sunday, July 22, 2007

needle in a haystack

Through a pile of haystack,
I searched and searched,
On the first try I found a boot,
Then I thought to myself,
Will it be valued as equal as pirates loot,
But it only fits my foot,

As i keep on searching,
A glimpse of light caught my eye,
My curiosity caused me diving,
Deeper and deeper i dive,
Hoping to curb my curiosity,
Finally!! I was seeing it eye to eye

A needle,
tiny in size,
However, finding it came at a price,
Where i valued it as precious as a prize,
It's sharp end is one of a kind,
Like a sweet smile that is rare to find

A needle in a haystack,
Distinctive and rare,
Finding it, with others ill share,
With a tale to be told,
Of a needle with God's light it holds,
Shining brighter than any forms of gold

~sum random dope thing for a fren~

1 comment:

suyi said...

Dope? This is bliss!
i love it..